Art School for

the Rest of Us

You don't have to attend an art school to
become an artist. Learn to make realistic
drawings and paintings, even if you're a beginner!

Totally new to drawing? Click here!

Free Beginner Drawing Course
Realistic Art Classes in Overland Park

Drawing & Painting Classes in Overland Park, KS

Portrait Painting Online Classes

Live Virtual Drawing & Painting Classes

Figurative Drawing in Charcoal

On Demand Video Art Courses & Memberships

Drawing & Painting Classes in the Kansas City Area

SoRA specializes in teaching realistic drawing and painting across a variety of subjects including still life, portraiture, landscapes, and the human figure. Join us for live art classes at our studio in Overland Park, KS. Many live classes can be joined virtually from home, too!

Art Show at Images Art Gallery!

March 19th to April 13th, 2025.
Opening Reception: Friday, March 21st, 2025

Location: Images Art Gallery - 7320 W 80th St - Overland Park, KS 66204

More than a dozen art club artists are participating and will be in attendance!

Click here for detailed info, artist profiles, and gallery location.

Foundations of Oil Painting:

In-Studio & Live Virtual Class
Wednesdays 6-8:30pm CT
March 26th - May 14th, 2025
8 Week Class

Location: School of Realist Art, 7800 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 17, Overland Park, KS

$240 Virtual attendance
$475 In-studio includes materials

Land & Sky: Principles of Atmosphere

Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
April 2nd - May 7th, 2024
6 Week Class

Location: School of Realist Art, 7800 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 17, Overland Park, KS

$165 Virtual Attendance
$350 In-Studio includes all materials

A System for Color Mixing Workshop

In-Studio Class
Sunday April 13th, 2025 10am-3pm
Learn to mix any color in paint in this one day weekend workshop.
1 Day Workshop 

Location: School of Realist Art, 7800 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 17, Overland Park, KS

$150 In-Studio Includes all materials

Online Classes Open for Enrollment

These courses take place exclusively online. Some are on-demand video art classes that can be taken at your convenience, while others feature live video meetings and demonstrations.

Portrait Painting in Oil

Live Virtual Class
Saturdays 1-3:30pm CT
March 1st - April 5th, 2025
Attend live demos and feedback sessions, plus access additional demos and recordings!
6 Week Class
$200 Virtual attendance

Free Figure Drawing Challenge

Daily video lessons with reference photos included.
January 1st - 5th, 2025
Learn basic skills for working from photos or from life.

Figure Drawing Academy: Foundations

Virtual Class
Start Anytime
Receive a video lesson each week: Reference photos, practice videos  & feedback included!
6 Week Class
$165 Video Course

Classical Drawing

Virtual Class
Start Anytime
Receive a video lesson each week: Reference photos, practice videos & feedback included!
8 Week Class
$220 Video Course

Portrait Drawing in Graphite & Charcoal

Virtual Class
Start Anytime
Receive a video lesson each week: Reference photos & feedback included!
6 Week Class

$185 Virtual attendance

New Membership Options!

Everything you need to learn realistic drawing and painting, without the art school price tag.
Basic membership to on-demand video courses starts at $25/mo.

Learn More!

FREE Sketching Video Course

If you can't draw a stick figure, you need a little guidance for how to even get started drawing, and you have paper and a pencil, then you're ready to start the challenge! Get 5 free sketching lessons including reference photos.

Start Drawing!

Work smARTer when studying art at home with
On-Demand Video Classes!

Maintain consistent progress through free and affordable video courses created for your ability level!

No more plateaus or feeling aimless or stuck.

Find the course for your level and goal, with options for feedback and help from a professional artist.

See Video Courses

Learn From a Professional Artist Who Didn't Go to Art School

When I was 15, I knew I wanted to be an artist.

At 16, I became a mother.

I wouldn't say that motherhood prevented me from going to art school, but it did force me to think critically about the decision. I graduated from high school with the rest of my class, and went on to get my Associates in Studio Art, graduating Summa Cum Laude.

However, I found that the instruction I found in college wasn't teaching me what I really wanted to know: How to paint and draw realistically. And being a mother meant my priorities dictated that I should not go into an incredible amount of debt to 'find myself' in a 4 year art school somewhere.

So instead, I dedicated every evening from 8pm until midnight to painting, seeking out feedback from artists I admired, and researching methods of art instruction from the French Academy to Golden Age Illustration. I created my own art education, and I can guide you through yours!

Check out Lacey Swift's art website.

Be the first to know about new classes and freebies!

Newsletters go out each Tuesday and include video tutorials, free PDFs and challenges, and info about upcoming events. We value your privacy.