Live & Recorded Virtual Class

Demos Every Wednesday 12-2pm CT
February 7th - 28th, 2024
Critiques Every Friday

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Create your own realistic still life oil painting

Reflective metal can be one of the most challenging things to paint, unless you know the key to how to see which shapes and colors will express the form correctly. Using this reference photo where a silver creamer pitcher reflects a luxurious red embroidered fabric, you'll learn how to control value, color, and edges to create a realistic painting.

Live Demonstration
Wednesdays 12-2CT

Live painting session with Lacey. Painting will be completed across 4 sessions in February.

Recorded Feedback
Fridays at Noon

Submit your work by Friday morning to be included in the weekly critique.

Community Access via
the Realist Art Club

Join virtual studio times and connect with other artists on our platform.

Paint alongside figurative artist Lacey Swift

Attend live weekly and ask questions in real time, or watch the recordings. Either way, I want you to paint with me! Set up your reference and paints, and prop your computer or tablet nearby to get step by step instructions from me.

Then, submit your work for feedback each Friday.

Can't make the live sessions? No worries: It's all recorded!

Let's Paint This Metal Vessel in Oil

Demos Every Wednesday 12-2pm CT
February 7th - 28th, 2024
Critiques Every Friday

Learn to paint tricky reflective metal in oil!

Register Now!