4 Week Class in Painting Illusions
Learn how to paint opaque folds, metallic and satin reflectivity, transparency, and more.
Can you paint fabrics that look soft yet structured?
Textiles are tricky: They're flexible but not mushy, come in a huge variety of thicknesses, and are sometimes fuzzy, shiny, or even transparent. Add in embroidery or a print and your mind might explode!
In this short, 4 week class you'll learn how to approach painting any weight or type of textile, learning how to break down its abstract forms and translate surface textures into paint.
Start Simple
Your first class teaches you how to depict folds with shadow and temperature through the study of simple white or neutral cotton fabrics. This will serve as the basis for how to approach folds and form on any number of other textiles.
Tackle Unique Surfaces
Now that you have the hang of basic forms, you'll move on to more challenging textiles: Explore shiny satin and heavy jacquard or velvet as you learn how different fabrics reflect light and what this means for the colors and brushwork you will need to use.
Take on a Challenge!
Choose from a number of interesting and complicated textiles to paint as a final project: Paint a patterned silk, or iridescent taffeta, transparent chiffon, or even sequins or fringe! Whatever you choose, you'll have expert guidance the whole time.