Classical Drawing:
A Course in the French Academic Method

Thursdays 6-8 pm
July 25th - September 19th, 2024 (August 15th is skipped.)

$220 Virtual attendance
$425 In-Studio Includes materials

Attend In-Studio
Take the Virtual Class

Discover Your Talent through Traditional Drawing Techniques

Welcome to a journey back in time where the elegance of classical art meets the precision of the French Academic method. In this course, you'll learn the same techniques taught to artists at the height of the Classical Realist period, where use of accurate and controlled drawing and shading was considered the foundation of good art.

Why Learn the French Academic Method?

If you want the ability to draw with accurate proportion and shading that shows form, there is no faster or more effective way. Regardless of whether you have years of experience or have never picked up a pencil, the French Academic method consistently leads to solid drawings.

When using these techniques, it's clear whether things are right or wrong, and this is especially helpful to learn for times when you're working along, without an instructor to help you problem solve.

Having the tools to create accurate drawings also trains your eye to see proportion and shape naturally, so that you create better drawings even when you're not specifically using the French Academic method.

What You Will Learn

First, you'll learn the basics of block-in and measuring techniques through early pages of the historic Charles Bargue Drawing Course. You'll create multiple line sketches in your first class to practice these skills.

Next, you'll begin a multi-week project working from a full Bargue plate. You'll choose from many images with varying levels of difficulty in consultation with the instructor. This project will show you how far you can take accuracy, and through the shading lessons you'll learn how to appropriately use value and line to create realism.

After completing your first realistic drawing copy, you'll choose a plaster cast and learn how to use the French Academic method when working from life. This is a much more complex task because depth, binocular vision, and your own movements impact the measuring and drawing process, but you are prepared!

Working from life also teaches you how to translate ever-shifting values observed with human eyes into logical, organized shading on paper.

Register Now for Classical Drawing!

Virtual Course Features

- The Same Expert Instruction: You get the same high quality instruction as students in the studio. Join live during class time if you'd like to ask questions during the demo, or watch the recordings later. You can still ask any questions you have on the platform or via email!
- Downloadable References and PDFs: Everything you need to participate including printable Bargue plates, still-life set up and materials guides, and class notes are ready for you in the online platform.
- Illustrated Feedback Videos: Email photos of your progress, and Lacey will create a video as she sketches over your photo on an iPad to show you personalized next steps and corrections.
- Continued Course Access: Revisit the course videos anytime! In fact, Lacey recommends repeating the entire course multiple times. You'll find that your ability progresses each time you complete a new project, and the difficulty can be increased by copying more complex Bargue plates and casts.

In-Studio Course Features

- Expert Instruction: Lacey has practiced and taught these methods for nearly two decades. She will lead you step-by-step through the process with constant feedback throughout the class.
- Materials Included: You don't need to research materials or wait for shipments! Just show up to class empty handed and know everything you need is waiting for you.
- The Right Lighting: Setting up a plaster cast with good light to create shadows on the cast, yet also illuminate your drawing, is tricky. Luckily the studio at School of Realist Art was arranged specifically to facilitate this kind of work!
- Access to Recordings: You're home or a few months have passed and you can't remember a piece of what you learned? Head to the online platform to revisit class recordings and continue to learn even after class has ended.

Learn Solid Drawing Skills

Class begins July 25th, 6-8pm CT
Video recordings posted immediately following class each week.

Attend In-Studio
Attend Virtually